Christian Solidarity Worldwide works for the religious liberty of persecuted Christians, helping others suffering repression, children in need and victims of disaster throughout the world. To find out the latest news from around the world click on a region below or use the country search facility.

CSW Prayer Calendar to December 2002

21/22 Sudan
With oil revenues, the government has purchased weaponry enabling it to mount offensives during the rainy season for the first time, giving it new confidence in military victory. This may partly account for its recent exit from peace talks. Pray for international pressure to force it to resume negotiations.

23/24 Sudan

Government forces bomb civilian areas in Eastern Equatoria almost daily. Villages, schools & a camp for displaced people have been amongst the targets. Illegal attacks on civilians in the oil regions continue. Pray for international pressure on the government to end such attacks.

25/ 26 Eritrea

The government has closed all churches not affiliated to the Orthodox, Catholic or Lutheran denominations, on the pretext that they threaten national unity. Pray for evangelical, pentecostal & charismatic Christians, routinely persecuted, who find it difficult to meet, even in their homes.

27/28 Nigeria

Pray for Amina Lawal, the divorcee sentenced to death by stoning for adultery. Also pray for Ahmadu Ibrahim and Fatima Usman, who appealed against a 5-year sentence and were sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, despite both being unmarried at the time of the supposed offences.

29/30 Nigeria
Pray for Christians in Plateau State, driven from their homes and still under attack from fundamentalist Muslims aided by Islamist insurgents from Niger and Chad. Pray that aid will reach those in refugee camps, and that people responsible for the violence will be brought to justice by government forces.


1/2 Latin America
Pray for Latin American governments - that they would be committed to truth and honesty in their administrations. Pray for an end to corruption & impunity and a real respect for human rights. Remember courageous human rights defenders who risk their lives to protect vulnerable women & children.

3/4 Cuba
Pray for Juan Carlos Gonzalez Leiva, a blind, Christian human rights activist who has been in prison since March 4; his trial was scheduled to start in mid-September. There are serious concerns for his life. Please pray for God's protection of him and his wife, Maritza, and for his release.

5/6 Cuba
Pray for Cuban pastors, asking God to give them wisdom in how they lead their congregations and in their relations with government and local authorities. Pray for divine protection for them and that they would continue to stand for truth and justice.

7/8 Mexico
Please pray for relations between Protestants and Catholics across Mexico and for reconciliation and an attitude of love and unity amongst all Christian denominations. Ask God to make them into a beacon of light to Latin American society.

9/10 Colombia

As the violence grows daily worse, pray for God to protect men and women taking a stand against it. Ask for His blessing on peacemakers & for His peace to transform the country. Pray for Christian pastors & their families under attack from left-wing terrorists and right-wing paramilitaries.

11/12 Peru
Pray for Darwin Aquino, Olga Gonzalez, and Benjamin Camones and all innocent prisoners in Peru. Ask God to protect and sustain them and their families and pray for government action to bring about the swift release of hundreds of innocent prisoners still detained on terrorism or drugs charges.

13/14 Peru
Praise God for prisoners in Peru who have been found innocent and released! Please continue to pray for them as they try to put their lives back together after years of wrongful imprisonment. Ask God to help them to reintegrate within their families, regain personal confidence and find work.

“When I sit in darkness, the Lord himself will be my light ...God will bring me out of darkness into His light” Micah 7. 8-9