


若是您曾經參與在為印尼蘇拉維西中部, 回教徒攻擊基督徒村莊的禱告中,要向您獻上感謝. 情況已較舒緩了, 印尼同工來函報告了最新消息,附上原文信件及簡要譯文也請繼續為近五萬名無家可歸的人民代禱

馬太9:37~38"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field." Matthew 9:37-38.

Hi there,
Many have asked 'are we doing this, are we doing that, does so and so know about it etc etc'. So I just thought I'd encourage you re how the word is getting out. And these are just the ones I know about. There are MANY other organisations, that have first hand contact with the crisis who are doing heaps within their own sphere of influence.

But first a brief update on what is happening:

屠殺並未擴大,是的,回教游擊隊Laskar Jihad 過去一路大肆燒殺擄掠,但現在已撤退,(撤到哪裡,停多久,仍是個謎,但總是好消息), 印尼政府已經派遣了4000名軍隊來處理這個危機,他們將停留六個月,一些高層政府官員/部長將與Poso, Tentena 地區宗教及地方領袖會面,以取得第一手資料,好回報給總統. 考慮宣告當地為緊急戒嚴區,別人也許會想早該如此做了,但事實上卻沒有.教會領袖堅持軍隊應把回教游擊隊從省份理除掉.
  • There has been NO broad scale massacre! Yes, the Laskar Jihad were wreaking destruction and death on their advance toward Tentena but are now in retreat. (where to and for how long are questions yet to be answered, but good news all the same).
  • Indonesian government has despatched 4000 troops to deal with crisis. They will stay for 6 months.- a number of high level Indonesian government ministers are meeting with religious and civic leaders in the Poso/Tentena region to gain first hand reports in order to report back to the President.
  • Consideration is being given to declaring a state of civil (or perhaps, military) emergency in the area. (One would have thought this would be fairly obvious, but apparently not!)
  • Church leaders are insisting that the military, remove the Laskar Jihad from the province
  • 軍隊能及時避免更多流血事件的發生,並且順利剷除回教游擊隊(Laskar Jihad).
  • 在Tentena 約五萬名基督徒的健康及福祉.大部分多是從別的村莊來,無家可歸的人,他們需樣食物,醫藥照顧,住處和其他許多需要. 誰要幫助他們? 當地的教會已經過於所能承擔的,至於北蘇拉維西的教會,也已照顧了從摩路加群島來的40000名難民,回教游擊隊能被完全剷除嗎?他們允許基督徒回到他們那些已被搗毀的家園,去重建生活嗎?
  • 在Tentena, Poso 和Palu之間需要有安全的交通路線, 而這些路線現在在被回教游擊隊控制住,以至於在Tentena基督徒無法有對外交通.
  • 回教齋戒月在12/15 就會結束,在結束後到聖誕節之間最易爆發衝突的時間,為該地區長治久安的解決之道.
Ian Freestone
摩路加支持計劃, IFC, Jeff Hammon 的工作夥伴
  • that the military arrive in time to prevent further bloodshed and be effective in removing the Laskar Jihad.
  • for the health and welfare of the 50 000 Christians of Tentena, most of whom are displaced persons from other villages. They will need food, medical attention, accommodation and much more. Who is to assist in that? The local church is stretched beyond capacity. The northern Sulawesi church is also overwhelmed as it cares for the 40 000 displaced Christians from Maluku. Will the Laskar Jihad be removed, allowing Christians to return to their destroyed villages in order to begin rebuilding their lives?
  • secure transport routes are needed between Tentena-Poso-Palu. Presently the Jihad control these routes making travel for Christians out of Tentena impossible.
  • Ramadan finishes Dec 15. The period between then and Christmas is a most vulnerable one for further conflict.
  • solutions for a lasting peace in the region
Ian Freestone
Maluku Support Project, in partnership with Jeff Hammond, IFC.

Now to how the word has been getting out, in answer to your prayers and hardwork.

更新日期 12/7/2001