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從印度東北的 Siaha鎮向您問安!
請你再告訴我們一些蘇丹的故事:八月24-28日,華才到Lobyu村去做領袖訓練,麗娟則在八月24-26日為Maraland福音派教會的準宣教士做行前訓練,之後在週六前往Lobyu村幫助華才的事工.主日下午,麗娟在教會分享她的見證及一些蘇丹的故事,華才因週四暈車嘔吐導致嚴重的脫水,到主日還是很虛弱,因此無法替麗娟翻譯,因此,由一位長老替她翻譯,但是,翻譯的很不順暢,麗娟實在很挫折,(麗娟可以聽得懂他翻譯錯誤的地方,卻不能自己流利的用Mara語分享.)不知道會眾可以聽得懂多少,了解多少信息?心想回家後一定要好好的學Mara語.週一要離開村子回Siaha之前,有一些弟兄姊妹來道別,其中有一位姊妹含著淚水,對麗娟說:「當我聽到蘇丹百姓的困苦,心裡很難過,我回家把所聽到的跟家人分享,他們也很受感動, 請你再告訴我們一些蘇丹的故事.」麗娟很受這番話的激勵,雖然翻譯不順暢,但神仍可以對祂的百姓說話.但是,要麗娟自己到每個村子的教會去分享蘇丹的故事實在有困難, 麗娟的Mara語還不夠好,華才的事工很忙,無法到處替她翻譯.於是,麗娟承諾她會把故事寫下來,再請人翻譯,之後印成一本小書,以便教會的弟兄姊妹可以閱讀.自從我們從 Lobyu村回來之後,麗娟就開始寫下一些蘇丹的故事及見證,目前已交給一位弟兄翻譯,求神幫助翻譯及校對的順利,希望能在年底以前能印刷完成.求神幫助這本小書能成為這地百姓的祝福.
祂是孤兒寡婦的神:當頌恩七月底在考期中考時,麗娟因公務出差回台灣,所以無法幫他,結果是他的數理不及格.他的數學和理化老師教得不太好,又是用Mizo教,頌恩聽不太懂. 麗娟自己教頌恩, 常常教到發脾氣,也不行.所以,我們勸他要讓家教來教他,他很不情願地同意了.華才透過臉書詢問有沒有人可以用英文教數理,有人告訴他,這樣的人才在Siaha鎮是找不到的!哇!真是沒辦法,只有禱告求主幫助了!感謝主,姪女的同事的弟弟(NG)剛從大學的電子工程系畢業,七月底才回Siaha鎮,他願意來教頌恩.NG的父親去世時他才12歲,他父親是華才的宗派的一個牧師,他一直是忠心的在事奉主.十一年前,他要被調到另一個牧區事奉前的一個晚上,因心臟病發而去世,留下五個年幼的孩子給妻子,最小的還在母親的褓抱中.他的母前很敬虔,在這極大的困難中,她更加的倚靠主.透過親友的幫助,加上她自己工作又勤儉持家,養育了這五個孩子,神也真是眷顧這個家庭,看顧這些孩子.當Maraland的許多年輕人沈溺在酒精及毒品中時,這些孩子並沒有落入這些試探中,他們敬畏神,也勤奮地念書,現在已有二個大的孩子由政府的獎助學金補助,而從很好的大學完成學業,其他的孩子也就讀好的大學及學校.我們的神實在是孤兒寡婦的神,凡專心仰賴祂的必不致羞愧.因這地沒有工業或企業,NG想參加高考及銀行的考試,希望找到好的工作,求神為他開路.求神也幫助他有智慧來教頌恩,也能成為頌恩屬靈的好榜樣.
Maraland 戒毒中心 :從八月份起,幾乎每週六華才都和不同教會的弟兄團契到New Mawbuy村去,在戒毒中心預定地砍樹除草,有一個週六,麗娟也帶著柴刀跟他們去,希望可以幫忙,到了之後才知道實在幫不上忙,這工作要男人才能做,只好自願幫忙煮飯,其實也只能跑腿及切菜,因為不會煮大鍋飯菜.這四公頃的山地聽起來不大,但要由人工來砍伐其中的樹林及比人高的雜草,則是一個大工程.感謝主,華才的宗派(ECM)各地方教會的弟兄團契願意來當志工,砍伐樹林及雜草.有一位教會長老也讓我們免費用他的挖土機,讓我們可以挖山開路,若是要花錢請挖土機的話,開銷就很大了,等山地都清理完後,我們得蓋圍牆,鋪道路,之後才開始用當地的材料蓋鐵皮屋頂的木頭房子,感謝主,有一個會友願意捐贈木樁用的貴重木料. 這是ECM和SIM合作的一個計畫,我們已寫完計畫並將計畫呈到SIM東亞區辦事處審核,求主開路讓計畫順利通過.華才也開始向ECM的個地方教會,政府部門及一些個人募集此計畫所需的款項,求主供應此計畫所需的費用.也求神預備合適的人才來擔任此戒毒中心的主任,諮商人員,會計等.
昨天,麗娟去縣立醫院看醫生,在等醫生時看見幾個人抬了一個沒有意識的年輕人進急診室,之後,麗娟問醫生怎麼回事,他說:「這是很平常的事, 常有人送沒有意識的年輕人(因為酒精中毒或用毒品過量)進醫院的急診室. 」求神施恩憐憫這地!求神將敬畏神的靈和認識華的知識充滿這地,也讓這即將設立的戒毒中心成為這地年輕人得到生命更新改變的所在.
旅行及事工: 華才將在九月 28日前往Aizawl(省會)開會及為戒毒中心募款,求主保守形成平安,他常常暈車,然後就因嘔吐太多而脫水,求主施恩幫助他.華才在每週末和主日會拜會他宗派不同的地方教會,在那裡證道及做領袖訓練,求神賜智慧及恩膏.最近他們的聖經翻譯事工因華才的筆電有問題而緩慢下來,求主保守他的筆電能運作正常.麗娟做家訪時,常遇到一些家庭有姻親的關係問題,(婆媳關係的問題,岳父和女婿關係的問題等),求主賜麗娟智慧來幫助他們.因語言老師常不能來上課,麗娟目前自己學語言,有時請姪女和華才幫忙,求主賜她智慧及毅力學好語言.
SIM印度東北的宣教士: 感謝主, Damary宣教士已在九月初平安的抵達迦納,求主幫助她能快快適應當地的生活,也賜她智慧及毅力學習文化及語言.目前有一些宣教士回印度述職,求主使用他們成為他們的差派及支持教會的祝福.求主幫助Peny能募集足夠的支持費,以在明年初回到工場繼續事奉.求神也興起祂普世的教會來幫補SIM印度東北宣教士海外支持費的不足.
家庭: 感謝主,幫助頌恩進來比較聽話,他也學著手洗自己的衣服及做一些家事,他和我們的姪兒Thatha都在補習,求主賜他們智慧,毅力,及喜樂的心來學習.姪女Tete有三個月的美容課程,但有時候老師會蹺課,讓她很挫折,求主幫助老師能忠心的來教課.麗娟最近比較少跟頌恩發脾氣,求神繼續幫助她有智慧及耐心,來教養頌恩及姪兒姪女們.求神也繼續施恩給麗娟在台的家人,讓他們能早日信主.
在Siaha鎮的生活一瞥:我們平常每四個月從政府買一桶14公斤的瓦斯,但因貪污的緣故,通常買的時候只有半桶滿,大約一個月就用完了.所以,我們通常只在瓦斯爐用壓力鍋煮飯, 熱剩菜, 及煮茶,其他的就用柴火煮.最近瓦斯缺乏,五個月前買了一桶瓦斯,到現在政府還未配給另一桶.我們的木柴也快用完了,還好姪兒Thatha的父親從村子送了一些木頭來,我們得自己劈柴,曬柴,現在是雨季,所以常得把重重的木柴搬進搬出的,很不容易.上週主日下大雨,我們家的路有坍方,主日晚上華才從教會回來時車子過不了,我們和幾個年輕人只好去清除污泥,好讓車子過得去.隔天又下大雨,又坍方了,麗娟和姪兒Thatha的父親又得去清除污泥,好讓華才能開車去上班.第三天早上,一輛大卡車經過那條路,又把一些泥巴擠到路中間來,麗娟又得自己去清泥巴.第四天,同樣的故事又上演.這幾天清除泥巴下來,讓麗娟的手臂及腰部實在疼痛.每次清除路面坍方的泥巴時,路過的人都會告訴我們,村長會找人來清的.上個月的坍方,我們的村長還沒叫人清掉,現在又有一坍方,不知道什麼時候才後清除,實在缺乏效率!求神賜我們耐心!
Fachhais' prayer letter, Aug 2016
Greetings from Siaha, North East India!
Why there are less and less people committed to long-term pastoral ministry in the church? Debbie had chances to talk to a few church leaders in Taiwan in July. There is a common lament among them, "There are fewer people committed to long term pastoral ministry in the church. Even the seminaries are focusing more on providing higher theological studies for people than training pastors for churches." Seminaries probably just respond to the current demand as more and more pastors want to do further study and enter full time teaching ministry in seminaries after serving in churches for a few years. Some people may want to study theology straight to get a PhD and then teach in seminaries without serving in the church. Why there are less and less people who want to serve as pastors in churches long term? Why many churches cannot find committed young people to serve as pastors for long? Why is teaching in seminaries more preferable than pastoring in churches? Besides the reason of spiritual gifts, I guess it is easier to be a teacher than a pastor. It is not easy to serve in churches, with all the pressures from the leadership (elders and deacons, etc.) and the demand from the congregation. I guess that these difficulties may not be the main causes of short-lived pastoral ministry. I wonder how much role do the unbiblical values that we get from our society which have rooted in us deeply play in this issue? Ex: The consumerism- there are so many choices out there for us to choose and we can choose whatever we want. So if I do not like this ministry, I will change another one. If this ministry is too demanding and not comfortable, I will choose an easier and more comfortable one. I can choose a ministry in which people need to listen to me (like teaching ministry) instead of a ministry in which I have to listen to people (like pastoring). Our society values speed. Everything needs to be fast and work must have result fast. But in pastoring ministry we cannot see result fast and things related to people do not usually go fast. Relationship is very important in pastoring ministry but takes time to build. Our society values comfort. But building relationship with fellow-sinners is not always comfortable. We get hurt sometimes or often. It is easier and more comfortable to deal with computer and books than with people.
We may need to pause and think how much do we allow the worldly value to control us and influence which ministry we take? Do we allow God to be our Lord to guide us into ministry that he wants us to do and obey His calling no matter how difficult it is, no matter it is speedy or not, comfortable or not? Do we follow the humility, obedience and perseverance of our Lord Jesus who obeyed the course of our God Father till death? I am not against people who are called by God to teach in seminaries. We need godly teachers in seminaries who can expound God’s word correctly and mentor students to become good shepherds for God’s flocks. But I am just afraid that we have allowed worldly values to influence many of our decision-makings instead God's calling.
If we do not reflect and change our worldly perspectives, we may not have pastors to look after God’s flock in Taiwan in the future!! You may not face the situation of pastors in Taiwan where you are/ But do you also allow some unbliblical worldly perspective to influence your daily life and ministry?
Travelling and ministry: Thank you for your prayers for Debbie's fund-raising trip to Taiwan. She left Saiha on 7 July and arrived in Taipei on 9 July and started meeting straight away. Thank God for all the opportunities for her to meet various churches, fellowship groups and individuals. She had a chance to meet leaders of one Baptist church, which has been established for 50 years but has not participated in God's worldwide mission. They are willing to start supporting one missionary of SIMNEI. May God bless this church through their participation in God's mission. Thank God for His work in prompting people to give generously toward our SIMNEI missionary assistance project and for churches/ groups to support individual missionaries. May God continue to grant us favor by speaking to those who have promised to give or support SIMNEI missionaries. Laiu went to Shillong on 22 July till 30 July to attend Bible translation meetings and visit Evangelical Church of Maraland (ECM) churches on the way and in Shillong. Thank God for good meetings and safe journey. He had a one -week preaching in ECM Bethany local church from 31 July to 7Aug. Pray that God will continue to speak to the congregation to live a life worthy of their calling.
Laiu will give training on teamwork on 23 Aug to ECM local missionary candidates and those who will serve with SIM in other countries. Debbie will give 3 days cross culture training to ECM local missionary candidates on 24-26 Aug. Please pray for wisdom and God's guidance. Debbie needs to do some paper works for SIM and ECM partner project- Maraland Rescue and Rehab Center. Please pray for wisdom for her. Laiu needs great wisdom in Bible translation. Please pray for the committee of church reform which Laiu is leading that God will give them wisdom and guidance to propose needed reformation for ECM.
SIMNEI missionaries: Peny serving in Kenya among the street kids came back for home assignment in June. Some of her supporters in North East India (NEI) promised to support her only for 3 years when she was in the field. Please pray that God will raise churches and individuals in NEI to support her so she can return to the field with full support next year. Damary from ECM will go to Ghana in the beginning of September. Please pray for her visa application, her preparation for leaving to the field and for her adjustment in the field. Rev Sathei and Tracy from ECM have been accepted as missionary appointees to serve in Thailand. Please pray for their visa application.
Family: Thank God for keeping our family well in our absence (Debbie travelled from 7-30 July; and Laiu from 22-30 July). Thank God for helping Vanoh finish his exams from 26-30 July. Pray that he will be able to pass all the subjects. Our nephew Thatha also finished his exams today. Some subjects were difficult for him. Pray also that he will be able to pass all subjects. Debbie was exhausted after her trip to Taiwan and fell sick after returning home. Thank God for family’s care for her that she is recovering well. Laiu also fell sick after returning from his trip. He used to be waken up by his coughing or snoring at night! J Debbie was glad to meet her eldest sister in Taiwan and invited her to attend a church nearby her house. Please pray that she will continue to go to church and there will be people following her up. Debbie also visited her parents in Taiwan. They are doing well health wide. Please continue to pray for her family's salvation.
Thank you so much for your prayers, concern and generous giving for SIMNEI missionaries. Thank you so much for your care and kindness to Debbie when she visited Taiwan. Thank you for your love, care and prayers for our family in Saiha. Without your prayers and love, we will not be able even to live here or do any other ministries. May God reward you with His abundant love and grace.
Together in His vineyard,
Debbie, for the Fachhais
- 通訊地址:
郵件: Rev Laiu Fachhai, Evangelical Church of Maraland (ECM), Saiha- 796901, Mizoram, India
電話/郵:麗娟: +91-9856043680; Email: debbie.fachhai@gmail.com;
- 華才: +91-9436764424; Email:fachhais.in.africa@hotmail.com
奉獻:郵政劃撥帳號19789423,戶名:中華基督教國際事工差會. 請註明是為支持費,事工費或個人禮金, 或是印度東北宣教士補助計劃(編號:90943).銀行轉帳的方式:中國信託銀行,公館分行,帳號:347540105827,戶名:中華基督教國際事工差會(首次匯款至中國信託銀行帳號者,請打電話將姓名,地址告知SIM辦公室,以便寄發收據.02-23659819)
website: www.simeast.org
- Our contact address in India:
Mail: Rev Laiu Fachhai, Evangelical Church of Maraland (ECM), Siaha- 796901, Mizoram, India
Debbie’s: +91-9856043680; Email: debbie.fachhai@gmail.com
Laiu’s: +91-9436764424; Email:fachhais.in.africa@hotmail.com
For Donation: SIM East Asia Ltd, 116 Lavender Street, #04-09, Pek Chuan Building, Singapore 338730, please designate the donation is for “Debbie Fachhai’s support, ministry fund, or personal gift”, or for “SIMNEI missionary assistant fund project” (project # 90943).