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從印度東北的 Siaha鎮向您問安!

學習賈艾梅的榜樣:從以前我就很景仰賈艾梅的生命,最近讀了一本從台灣寄來的賈艾梅傳記,一個像自己死的機會,Elisabeth Elliot著,我從這本書得到許多激勵,謝謝您們寄來的好書。賈艾梅的一個禱告是:「主啊!求您將我全部化成愛,又將我的愛轉化成順服,使我的順服沒有任何的阻礙。」在她的生命中的確活出了那種不計代價,對主完全的愛及順服。她離開了愛爾蘭舒適的生活即一切所愛的人,到了貧窮的印度,和她的印度同工過一樣的簡樸生活。她順服神的呼召,面對各樣的困難及抵擋,拯救小廟妓,後來也拯救許多小廟童。 她每一天真實的背著十字架跟隨主,也以此生命的榜樣教導她的同工及孩子們。他們在大小的需要上倚靠神的供應,而神也按著祂的豐盛信實的供應他們的需要。他們的座右銘是:「我們傳獎主講耶穌基督的福音,為了主耶穌的緣故,我們願意做您的僕人。」她和她的同工用榜樣教導孩子們,不管有什麼需要做的,都要因著愛主的緣故委身去做:比如為嬰兒喝奶,換尿布,幫孩子洗澡, 掃地,刷地板,為病人唱詩歌等。她告訴他們:傳福音並不比幫嬰兒換尿布更高尚,或更討主的喜悅。她愛她的同工及這些孩子們如同母親愛孩子一樣,她實在是他們慈愛的媽媽。即便在後來她因意外而臥病在床,她仍用各樣方式向他們每一位表達她的愛,比如:在他們的生日或難過的日子,她會寫小卡片給他們。即便在她很忙碌的日子裡,她仍舊寫書,後來臥病在床時,她還是繼續寫書,她沒有閒著的時候 。她以謙卑和愛來領導她的同工及孩子們。她努力的要用金銀寶石的事奉來服事主,也就是除去一切的自我野心,不為名利的事奉主。我想她的事奉真的是金銀寶石的建造。讀她的生命傳記,讓我看見我的生命實在需要主更多的雕琢,求主幫助我,好叫我的生命及事奉也能是金銀寶石的建造。 (林前3:10-15)

探訪師母們: 幾個星期前,我開始探訪牧師的太太們,也邀她們每星期有一次的分享禱告會,我也和幾位師母一起探訪其他的師母。這些師母們都很孤單,因為不能和會友們分享他們的重擔,他們只能獨自背負生命中的重擔。有幾位分享他們的孩子的問題:酗酒,毒癮,離開神等。有些師母的婚姻有困難。求神賜智慧, 使我知道如何幫助她們。 求神安慰鼓勵他們,也幫助他們更深的在主裡成熟。 當我專注地用Mara聽她們分享,且用Mara跟她們分享神的話,幾個小時就讓我精疲力竭了。求神也賜我語言的恩賜,使我有足夠的Mara語來服事他們。

SIM印度東北的宣教士們: 感謝神, 讓在泰國宣教的Rina 及 Puii一家有機會來拜訪我們,我們也機會聽他們的甘苦談,也和他們的孩子們有好的互動,聽他們的心聲。求神賜他們在述職期間有好的休息,也使用他們激勵眾教會更多參與宣教。他們明年初回工場後,大孩子需要就讀寄宿學校,求主供應所需的獎學金以支付學雜費。在迦納事奉的Remlal及 Mami最近喪失了一個孩子,太太在生產時難產,雙胞胎的其中一個胎死腹中,求神賜下安慰。求神繼續賜下印度東北宣教士們所需的海外支持費。

旅行及事工:華才將在十一月8日到19日前往 尼泊爾及席隆拜訪宣教工場及參加會議,求神賜旅途平安,幫助他們找到合適的宣教合作夥伴。他的許多事工很需要神賜他有智慧:帶領宗派的改革委員會,做聖經翻譯,草創宗派的聖經學院,主領各樣的會議等。麗娟將和SIM的準宣教士在十一月到10 到11日到Longlei拜會從泰國來的SIM領袖,求主保守旅程及會議的順利。我們每星期的師母分享禱告會也求主施恩祝福,我的一部分的分享見證已翻譯完成,求神幫助另一位翻譯者能快快完成他的部分。

家庭:我的腰痛已近二星期,醫師建議我不可做粗重的工作,要慢慢走路,這對我的個性來說有些難。感謝主,一位姐妹寄了一些疼痛貼布,現在好些了。頌恩不太勤奮,有一天要他幫忙和水泥,讓華才可以整修浴室,他不太高興幫忙。之後他的伯伯告訴他:「頌恩,你真強壯,可以扛這麼重的水泥。」然後,他就高高興興地做完工作,我實在需要學習多稱讚他。 頌恩的家教把他的數學及理化教得好,現在他已不害怕這二科了,謝謝您們的代禱。求主繼續幫助頌恩及姪兒姪女們能敬畏神,愛神,順服,勤奮負責。也請繼續為麗娟在台的家人能早日信主代禱。



華才,麗娟及頌恩 敬上

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前排 (左到右):泰國宣教士夫婦 Rina, Puii,準宣教士 Abi 及Sathei; 後排 (左到右): 華才, 宣教士女兒們Phoebe及 Pricilla, 麗娟及頌恩

宣教宣教士女兒們Phoebe及 Pricilla,及頌恩 Mara婦女在織美麗的圍布裙子


Fachhais' prayer letter, October 2016

Greetings from Siaha, North East India!

Learning from Amy Carmichael: I have admired Amy Carmichael since long ago. I am greatly encouraged again by reading her biography written by Elisabeth Elliot, “A Chance To Die” sent by friends from Taiwan recently. (Thank you for all the great books you donated to us.) One of her prayers was,” Lord, do thou turn me all into love, and all my love into obedience, and let my obedience be without interruption.” Her life had indeed lived out that love and obedience to our Lord at any cost. She was indeed a true disciple of our Lord! She left everything comfortable and beloved in Ireland and lived a very simple life as her Indian coworker did in India. She obeyed God’s calling to save the temple girls (temple prostitutes) and later temple boys as well at great risk and opposition. She carried her cross daily to follow Jesus and taught her coworkers and children to do the same by her life example. They trusted the Lord for all their needs and God did supply them according to his riches. Their motto was, “We preach the good news of Jesus Christ and we are your servants for Jesus’ sake.” She and her coworkers taught their children in Dohnavur Fellowship (DF) to do anything needed out of love for the Lord through their life example: to feed the babies, bath them, change their diapers, scrub the floors, clean the house, sing to the patients in the hospital, etc. She taught them that to preach the gospel is not nobler ministry than to change diapers for babies. She loved each one of her coworkers and children as her own children. She was indeed their loving “Amma” (mother). Even when she was bedridden in the later part of her life, she continued to care and pray for each one of the coworkers and children. She wrote notes for each one of them, especially in their special days or days of discouragement. She wrote books in her crazy busy schedule and even on her sickbed later. Her leadership was in true humility and love. In her life, she strived to serve our Lord with ministry made of gold, silver and precious stones. That is to serve Him with pure love for him without any self-ambition of name or gain. I think she has achieved that goal! When I look at her life, I understand that I need God to work on me more deeply so that my life and ministry can be building made of gold, silver and precious stones also. (1 Cor 3:10-15)

Visiting pastors' wives: I started visiting pastors’ wives who live in Siaha a few weeks ago. I invited a few of them to share and pray together once a week. Then we go from house to house to visit other pastors’ wives to encourage them and pray for them. They cannot share their issues with church members. They feel lonely and heavy burdened as they carry the burdens by themselves. One prayer request from a few pastors’ wives is, “Please pray for our children’s salvation.” Some of them have children indulging in alcohol or drug, while others stop going to church. Some of pastors’ wives have marital relationship problem. Please pray for wisdom to counsel them. When I concentrate fully to listen and speak in Mara with them for a few hours, I become exhausted. Thank God for helping me understand them to some extent. Pray that God will encourage them and help them grow in the Lord through this fellowship/ prayer group and home visiting. Please also pray for my Mara language that I will be able to understand their sharing and share what God wants me to speak in Mara.

SIMNEI missionaries: We thank God for the visit of our SIMNEI missionaries serving in Thailand, Rina and Puii’s family. We had a good time for debriefing, catching up with one another and listening to their ( including their children’s) issues and concerns. Please pray that God will grant them a restful and blessed home assignment and God will use them to challenge churches for mission. Please pray that God will provide their children scholarship to stay in boarding school as they serve in rural church planting. Please pray for Remlal and Mami serving in Ghana as they lost one of their twins in delivery. Pray that God will comfort them. Please continue to pray for overseas support need for SIMNEI missionaries.

Travelling and ministry: Laiu will travel to N*pal and Shillong from 8 Nov till 19 Nov to visit the mission field for his church and attend NEICC meeting. Please pray for journey mercy, wisdom and right contacts to meet. Please pray for wisdom and strength for Laiu as he continues to take various responsibilities: in church reform committee, Bible translation, Bible college acting principal (to start the college in 2017), and leading all kinds of meetings, etc. I will travel to Longlei with one SIMNEI missionary candidate to meet SIM Thailand leaders who will be visiting Rina and Puii’s church on 10-11 Nov. Please pray for journey mercy and good meeting. Please pray for God’s blessing upon our weekly fellowship/ prayer meeting for pastors’ wives. We plan to have a retreat for pastors’ wives on 25 Nov, pray that God will encourage them to attend and give Debbie wisdom and guidance to speak to them. Part of my writings of my testimony and life in Sudan has been translated. Please pray for the other apart to be finished soon. ??

Family: I have lower back pain for some time. Doctor forbade me to carry heavy load or to walk fast. That is quite difficult according to my personality! Thank God for a friend who sent me some heat patch medicine in the right time. Vanoh is not always hardworking. Last Saturday when we had some cement work at home, he was reluctant to help. Then his uncle said to him, “ Is that you, Vanoh? You are so strong. You can carry cement concrete like that.” After that, he worked very hard cheerfully. I need to learn to praise him more! Vanoh’s tutor has taught him well that he feels Math and Science are not difficult any more! Thank you for your prayers. Please continue to pray for Vanoh and our nephew and nieces to fear God, love God, walk in God’s way, be obedient and hardworking. Please continue to pray for my family in Taiwan that they will come to know our Lord soon.

Thank you for your love, prayers and support for our family in Siaha. Without your prayers and love, we will not be able to live and serve God here. May God reward you with His abundant love and grace.

Together in His vineyard,

Debbie, for the Fachhais

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Front (left to right): Rina, Puii, Abi and Sathei
Back (left to right): Laiu, Phoebe, Pricilla. Debbie and Vanoh

Fun to have MKs together
Left to right: Pricilla, Phoebe (serving in Thailand) and Vanoh
A Mara lady weaving Mara skirt





  • 通訊地址:
    郵件: Rev Laiu Fachhai, Evangelical Church of Maraland (ECM), Saiha- 796901, Mizoram, India
    電話/郵:麗娟:  +91-9856043680; Email: debbie.fachhai@gmail.com;
  •  華才: +91-9436764424Email:fachhais.in.africa@hotmail.com
    奉獻:郵政劃撥帳號19789423,戶名:中華基督教國際事工差會. 請註明是為支持費,事工費或個人禮金, 或是印度東北宣教士補助計劃(編號:90943).銀行轉帳的方式:中國信託銀行,公館分行,帳號:347540105827,戶名:中華基督教國際事工差會(首次匯款至中國信託銀行帳號者,請打電話將姓名,地址告知SIM辦公室,以便寄發收據.02-23659819)
    website: www.simeast.org
  • Our contact address in India:
    Mail: Rev Laiu Fachhai, Evangelical Church of Maraland (ECM), Siaha- 796901, Mizoram, India
    Debbie’s: +91-9856043680; Email: debbie.fachhai@gmail.com
    Laiu’s: +91-9436764424; Email:fachhais.in.africa@hotmail.com
    For Donation: SIM East Asia Ltd, 116 Lavender Street, #04-09, Pek Chuan Building, Singapore 338730, please designate the donation is for “Debbie Fachhai’s support, ministry fund, or personal gift”, or for “SIMNEI missionary assistant fund project” (project # 90943).
