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胡維華(Wesley Hu







Office Hour

星期一  900 ~1200  1330~17:00

星期二  1330~1700

星期四  800 ~11:00



學 歷

淡江大學 (B.S.)Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (M. Div.)Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Th.M.)University of Toronto (Th.D. )


經 歷

曾任:工程師、牧師 現任:本院專任教師(2005-2009,2011年迄今)、教牧中心主任(20111016日起)


著 作

1.Review of Walter Brueggemann, David's Truth in Israel's Imagination and Memory, second edition, Philadelphia: Fortress, 2002. Toronto Journal of Theology 20 (2004): 59-60. 2.Review of Joachim Braun, Music in Ancient Israel/ Palestine: Archaeological, Written, and Comparative Sources. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002. Toronto Journal of Theology 20 (2004): 209-211. 3.Review of David Shepherd, Targum and Translation: A Reconsideration of the Qumran Aramaic Version of Job. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2004. This review is forthcoming. 4.Review of J. P. Fokkelman, Major Poems of the Hebrew Bible. At the Interface of Prosody and Structural Analysis. Volume IV: Job 15 42 (Assen: Van Gorcum, 2004). This review is forthcoming in Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 5 (2004-2005). Thesis: The Use of QTL in Hebrew Aphorism (Th.M. Thesis). Dissertation: Unit Delimitation in the Book of Micah (TH.D). 5.譯作:聖經希伯來文初階+習作












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