文化人類學與門徒訓練 Cultural Anthropology and Discipleship

人類學家維克多。特納(Victor Turner,1920- 1983)針對非洲恩丹布部落中的禮儀觀察,提出一個真實群體(communitas)的建立必須經過三個階段--“分化”(separation)、閾限(liminality)、再整合(reintegration)。門徒訓練必須先建立一個這樣的群體。傳統的門徒訓練大部分著重在閱讀與理性思辨,本課程借助文化人類學的概念使用非語言(non-verbal)的層面,包括禮儀、符號、民間歌謠、故事等來訓練門徒,並與學員一同探討基督教的“混合主義”(syncretism)與“斷層基督教”(Split-level Christianity)的問題,幫助門徒走出屬靈困境,成為主所喜悅的門徒。


1.Jay Moon, Intercultural Discipleship--Spiritual Ruts and How to Break Out (205 pp). (老師提供)
2.維克多。特納,《儀式過程:結構與反結構》 ,中國人民大學出版社,2006 (225pp).
4.Ken Gire, Windows of the Soul, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1996. (219pp)
5.科塔克 (Conrad Philip Kottak),《文化人類學:領會文化多樣性》, 台灣:巨流圖書公司,2014, (第一、二章)

1.Mathias Zahniser, Symbol and Ceremony: Making Disciples across Cultures, Monrovia, CA: MARC Publication, 1997.
2.Charles Van Engen, Darrell Whiteman, Dudley Woodberry (Ed), Paradigm shifts in Christian Witness: Insights from Anthropology, Communication, and Spiritual Power, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2008.
3.John Walsh, Art of Storytelling: Easy Steps to Presenting an Unforgettable Story,”Chicago, IL: Moody, 2014.
4.Jim Courson, “Deepening the Bonds of Christian Community: Applying Rite of Passage Structure to the Discipling Process in Taiwan,” Missiology: An International Review,. 26:301-313, 1998.
5.Rene Padilla, “Holistic Mission” in Lausanne Committee 2004 Forum for World
6.Evangelization, Lausanne Occasional Paper 33, Pp 11-23. Access at: http://www.lausanne.org/documents/2004forum/LOP33_IG4.pdf

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