


懷著依依不捨的心情, 開始收拾和賣家中各物. 一邊整理一邊流淚. 數算餘下日子不多, 更珍惜和善用每一天. 年初時曾向神禱告: [主啊! 有何事工我應作的還沒有去做, 請指示我, 讓我趕快去做.] 神垂聽禱告, 引導並成就樹珠多年在心中的負擔, 為孩子們設立下午之聖經學校. 七月16日 “好消息學校” 就在附近的一間教會中開學了. 神賜下十位同心之姊妹經訓練而當老師, 分為五班, 共約五十位孩子. 每週一至五 2:30~4:30 上課, 效法回教和印度教之宗教下午學校, 基督教會之下午宗教學校是創舉, 老師和學生都在神的話語中天天成長. 感謝主! 榮歸父神.


九四年初抵南非, 加入差會在Lenasia印度區, 專門向回教徒傳福音之宣教隊工, 不到兩年由於同工們經八年耕耘, 訓練眾教會之信徒從事逐家向回教徒傳福音的工作, 果效甚微, 一般教會反應冷淡, 決定解散團隊, 各奔前程. 經過差會主任和當地牧師開會檢討, 評估宣教士之成敗, 結論是要求我們一家繼續留下來. 這樣就奠定了我們事奉之新里程, 尋覓新事工, 改變過去之方式.

二、事奉目標 ~ 扶助教會增長
自九五年其他同工離開後, 我們便孤單作戰, 為了撤底了解當地教會之實況, 先後拜訪本區約四十間教會之牧師, 聽取他們的意見, 配合他們的需要, 強化教會, 教導和訓練信徒, 讓他們作牧師的好幫手, 去參與事奉得人歸主.

  • 榮義的事工, 幫助弱小教會在主日講台之教導及訓練家庭小組長和傳福音的方法, 在神學院教課. 此外亦帶領同工及牧師們每天5 ~6時之晨更和牧師推動教會合一之運動. 透過週六聯合山上禱告和每年一次之為耶穌遊行.
  • 樹珠的事工, 對象為婦女與孩子, 先在家中舉行婦女查經班, 造就她們, 再訓練她們傳福音要訣, 帶她們出外逐家叩門佈道和跟進查經等. 神興起兩位查經班之寡婦委身全時間出來和她同工, 其他姊妹亦在家中舉行查經班, 分隊外出探訪跟進. 從七月中開始每天下午在 “ 好消息” 學校教導神的話, 還從事跨文化事工, 週一往黑人臨屋區探訪及帶查經班, 又在黑人學校教聖經.

經過摸索, 嚐試和學習, 過去八年在這裡事奉充滿主恩, 學會了默默和耐心地把印度信徒領袖栽培成門徒又帶著他們去實踐所學, 探訪跟進, 帶領人歸主, 在家中設立查經班等, 他們巳能分隊負起我們的事工, 見他們的成長; 生命改變, 委身事主, 愛人靈魂並殷勤事奉, 心中之喜樂難以筆墨形容, 深信於年底我們離開之後, 他們會為主作更大事, 正如主信實的應許:[我所作的事, 信我的人也要作, 並且要作比這更大的事, 因為我往父那裡去.] (約十四 :12)

1. 回鄉無路, 奈何!
由於兒子忠華求學不便回國述職, 因為學校語文不同, 我們一口氣完成兩期八年南非之事奉. 述職兩年莫過於回國與親友, 教會肢體相聚更美, 以償心願與年老父母居住, 盡點孝道, 彌補二十年非洲宣教離開他們之虧欠. 可是小兒忠華之中文程度不足, 無法回香港或台灣升大學, 多年前我們就祈求神為他求學開路.
2. 意料之外開路,
我們曾想過去新加坡述職, 因為忠華可入該國大學, 用英文和法文, 沒想到神的意念和道路比我們更高. 九八年七月華福之華人非洲差傳事工咨詢會議在南非之比勒陀利亞召開, 樹珠之前港聖教務主任高雲漢牧師於大會前後住我們家, 他對我們一家甚關心, 為小兒忠華求學開出路, 邀請我們利用述職期間去幫助他的華基教會 (是支持我們廿一年最長久的教會)教育和推動差傳事工, 另一方面協助差會在多倫多之事工在大會期間及會後曾先後與差會之東亞區及多倫多主任商討, 他們一致同意. 我們深知此乃艱巨之使命, 是我們從未做過新的事工, 是個新的宣教工場. 我們這大把年紀實在不想再接受新的挑戰. 經過兩年之禱告, 明白神的美旨, 作為祂的僕人, 只好順服祂的帶領. 四月裡華基邀請樹珠去參加宣教年會, 對教會宣教事工有初步了解, 亦有機會接觸同工和弟兄姊妹, 我們更加恐懼戰競面對新的事工. 試想廿年在窮鄉小鎮與貧窮人為伍慣了的人, 一旦要走進現代大都市, 真如鄉下人進城, 劉佬佬進大觀園, 求神讓我們更謙卑, 學習倚靠祂, 完全不靠自己的經驗, 接受新的任命, 對年青一輩挑戰做宣教士.


  • 為神扶持我們將完成南非印度區事奉之八年感恩, 亦為本地同工能接我們的棒感恩. 請繼續為他們事奉之智慧能力及經歷神禱告.
  • 感謝神賜福忠華將於十一月廿六日完成中學會考感恩, 請為他往多倫多之適應禱告, 求神賜他新朋友, 屬靈同伴亦為他一月七日開學禱告.
  • 感謝神保守我們一家在南非八年每日之出入平安, 我們於十一月卅日啟程往多倫多, 請為我們之適應及與同工配搭有美好的關係禱告.
  • 榮義母親於十月十三安息主懷, 求主安慰年老父親. 也為樹珠母親在安老院的生活禱告.
謹此敬祝 喜樂得力, 得人如魚 您的同工

江榮義, 樹珠, 忠華 謹上 2001年10月13日

Paul & Grace Chiang
ACEM 2230 Birchmount Road
Toronto. Ontario M1T 2M2 Canada
Tel: 416- 609-2236 Fax: 416- 321-2236
Email: admin@acem.ca

With mixed feeling and a heavy heart, we have started our sorting out and disposing of domestic belongings in preparation for our forthcoming departure. In the midst of busy packing, we couldn't ban our tears from rolling down our cheeks. As our days in South Africa are numbered, we are very conscious that we need to treasure and make the best of each and every remaining day. Earlier this year, we have already pleaded to God that “Oh Lord, if there is any work which we should do but have not done yet, please enlighten us so that we can get on with it without further deferment.” The Lord had surely answered our prayer. With His guidance and help, Grace was able to fulfill her long time aspiration in setting up an afternoon Bible school for little kids. On 16 July 2001, this “Good News School” was finally founded within a church nearby. The Lord provided us with 10 ladies who were willing to receive training and to serve as the teacher for 5 classes. We initially enrolled 50 students and they attended classes (2:30~4:30 p.m.) everyday from Monday to Friday. This afternoon religion school arrangement takes after Muslim and Hindu practices and is the first attempt ever made by Christian churches. Both the teachers and students are now growing in God's word each day. Praise the Lord! May He get all the glories!

I. Review

a. In spite of earlier setbacks, God opens up new avenues
We started our SIM missionary work in South Africa ever since early 1994. At that time, we joined the mission team which serves the Hindu sector of the Lenasia area and our gospel targets were the Muslims. Our participation in this fashion lasted for less than two years. Later, when the past 8 years' effort founded on a door-to-door mission strategy for mobilizing believers of local churches was put under review, it was concluded to be a programme which was by no means effective. In view of the poor response of the local churches, the mission directors resorted to dissolving the existing team. In any case, after assessing the current situation with the local pastors, they at the same time also decided that our family should stay on to serve regardless. This decision sets the scene for our subsequent renewed work that was based on a newly conceived mission strategy.

b. Mission target ~ helping local churches to grow
Ever since our former co-workers left in 1995, we have striven in the mission field all by ourselves without outside helps. For the purpose of acquiring a thorough and realistic understanding of the current field situation, we visited the pastors of some 40 local churches. We listened carefully to their opinions such that our work may match their needs. We in turn targeted towards the strengthening of the local churches, teaching and training their believers in order that they may become good helpers for the pastors in winning souls for the Lord.

  • The mission of Paul. Paul focused on: helping small churches with Sunday preaching, training family cell leaders, teaching gospel spreading techniques, teaching at seminary, leading daily morning devotion at 5~6 a.m. for pastors/co-workers, promoting church unification movement amongst local pastors, launching Saturday “Prayer Mountain” programme, promoting annual “March for Jesus” movement etc.
  • The mission of Grace. Grace's major targets are women and children. She focused on: conducting Bible study class at home for women, building them up with Biblical truth, training them regarding Gospel spreading techniques, conducting door-to-door mission work/Bible study together with them etc. From amongst her Bible study class participants, God blessed her with two full time helpers who were widows. Some other sisters in Christ have also been trained to conduct Bible classes at home and to form home visiting teams. From mid July onwards, Grace started teaching God's words at the “Good News” school. Other cross-cultural work which she does currently includes: visiting homes and leading Bible classes every Monday at Africans informal settlement area, as well as teaching Bible at school for the Africans.
II. Looking forward

After much exploring, experimenting and learning, we can conclude that our eight years of service here in South Africa has been full of blessing from above. We've learned to work patiently and in low profile, guiding Christian leaders of Hindu origin to become good disciples of the Lord. These leaders were trained to practise what they've learned, to make home visits, to lead people to Christ and to set up Bible classes at home etc. They were now able to work in teams and to take over our burdens. When we witness how gradually they have grown spiritually, living converted lives, dedicating their heart and soul to the Lord, treasuring the souls of fellow countrymen and willingly shoulders missions for the Lord, our bubbling joys are truly inexplicable. We believe firmly that, upon our departure, they will continue to grow and become capable of doing bigger and better things such as our faithful Lord had promised. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)


a.No open door for homecoming at present
Taking into account the schooling need of our son Daniel, current circumstances do not allow us to return home for furlough at present. In principle, after our two terms of continued service at South Africa, it would be best for us to spend our two years of furlough back at home. We would then be able to enjoy sweet fellowship with relatives and other brothers and sisters in Christ. In particular, we were keen also to seize the dwindling opportunity of discharging our piety duty in spending time with our aging parents. We have not been able to do much in this respect throughout our past 20 years of mission work in Africa. Nonetheless, we do not have a choice at the present moment since Daniel's Chinese proficiency is insufficient for higher education in either Hong Kong or Taiwan. For many years already, we have prayed earnestly to the Lord for a way out for our family.

b.Unexpected opportunity
Originally, we had thought of going to Singapore for furlough since Daniel would then be able to use English and French for his university studies. However, more than we could ever contemplate, God's provision has proven to be higher than our thoughts. It so happened that the consultation of Chinese Mission in Africa conference organized by .CCCOWE was held in Pretoria of South Africa in July 1998. Throughout the conference, Pastor John Kao, an old acquaintance of Grace, resided at our place and we were able to enjoy some good sharing. When Pastor Kao learned of our situation, he was keen to offer his assistance and to find some outlets for Daniel's schooling. He invited us during our furlough period to help his ACEM church (a most supportive church that has stood by our side for some 21 years) in training and promotion of mission work. While in Toronto, we may also take the opportunity to assist in the mission work of SIM in Canada. To follow up on this suggestion, we have had discussions during and after the conference with both the SIM area directors of East Asia and Toronto. They were all very supportive of this suggestion. We fully realize that this new mission is no easy task at all. Realizing that this proposed work is something totally new to us, we, at our present age, were actually somewhat reluctant to take up such brand new challenge. However, after two years of prayer, we were convinced that this is a mission within God's plan. As His servants, we ought to be submissive to His guidance. Earlier this year in April time, Grace was invited by ACEM church to attend their annual Mission Conference in Toronto. While she was there, she managed to meet the local church leaders, brothers, sisters in Christ and acquired a better feel of what the future work might be like. Such initial encounter adds more uneasiness into the heart of Grace. Just consider this: for people like us who have lived amongst the poor for some twenty years in poverty stricken areas, we no doubt would need great adjustment to the bustling life of modern big city. Under such circumstances, we just have to humble ourselves more and to learn to rely on Him rather than upon our own experience. God willing, we would be able to fulfill our new mission in challenging youngsters to accept the honor of becoming missionaries.

III. Thanksgiving and Intercession

  • We thank God for providing us throughout the past eight years with all needed supports in our mission work at the Indian region of South Africa. We thank God also for raising up suitable local workers who are capable of taking over our duties. Please continue praying for them so that they may experience God and would possess all wisdom and capability necessary for their work.
  • We thank God for blessing our son Daniel with the successful completion of his middle school examination on 26 November. Please pray that he may be able to adapt well to his future study in Toronto, to meet with good new friends and spiritual partners and to start smoothly his schooling on 7 January 2002.
  • We thank God for keeping our family well protected day in and day out throughout our eight years' stay in South Africa. We plan to leave for Toronto on 30 November. Please pray that we may adapt well to our new environment and may culture good relationship with our new colleagues.
  • Paul's mother was rest in the Lord on 13th of Oct. May the Lord comfort his father.

May the Lord's peace, joy and strength be with you
Yours in His service

Paul, Grace and Daniel Chiang

更新日期 12/6/2001